Good Leaders into Great Leaders

I support Leaders in boosting your EQ*, resulting in improved performance, decreased stress, and effectiveness in leading your team.

*Using the evidence-based PQ Operating System — based on the work of Shirzad Chamine, Stanford Lecturer and New York Times Best Selling author, Positive Intelligence —17 of the 18 EQ competencies have increased, leading to overall higher performance and decreased stress.

I transform 'good leaders into great leaders’ by partnering with you to co-create solutions — for example, my signature “Leader as Coach” program — to reveal the greatness across your team…. your organisation… the yet-untapped capacity that exists among your individual contributors.

And I start with you — transforming YOU into a the great leader you were meant to be.

I will challenge you to bring your best self forth so “who you are” is congruent with “how you lead”.

Our Customized Retreats

  • Away Days / Teambuilding Days

    I co-design with you and your team to facilitate experiential experiences (outdoors whenever possible) which push members out of their comfort zone into a new hands-on learning environment, to not only re-discover how they show up on their team, but uncover new aspects of each person’s leadership style, creating long-lasting tangible results.

  • Merging Teams: 1 + 1 = 1

    When new teams merged, I co-design activities (interactive games, simulations, role plays, and other structured experiences) which create greater team spirit, cohesion, personal trust, resulting in role clarity and a sense of ONE TEAM. “Tapping the collective wisdom of the ‘system’ rather than telling people what to do, builds shared leadership at all levels of the organization.” - Systems Inspired Leadership.

  • Leadership Retreats, Facilitation, Culture Change

    From facilitating fireside chats in the desert with a leader and his team, to co-leading cultural change initiatives across an organisation, I blend my facilitative coaching and change management expertise to create safe spaces for deep, transformative sharing leading to new insights resulting in deepened relationships with new levels of trust. To start the process, I recommend all members engage in one or two of the several assessments I offer, including the online Systems Inspired Leadership assessment

Our Signature Programs

  • Great Leaders Conversations: Coaching Leaders to "Ask" more; "Tell" less

    Our 3-month evidence-based blended learning / behavioural change program yielded consisted results over the 2-year-roll-out: **Karen delivered to 10+ cohorts (12-15 leaders in each) travelling across various locations in Saudi targeting key business hubs (Corporate, Abqaiq, Ras Tanura) as well as remote areas in the desert (Shaybah and Tanajib), incorporating action learning: pre- and post-assessments, interactive, engaging workshops, with application in the business (OTJ assignments), video-taped feedback, teach-backs, 1:1 and group coaching, and support throughout. (Bilingual available when Karen and Ahmed co-facilitate/co-lead).

  • Coaching Across Cultures

    An interactive, get-out-of your-comfort-zone workshop to embrace the cultural diversity across teams, incorporating the Cultural Orientation Framework (COF) and best practices from Philippe Rosinski’s research in “Coaching Across Cultures”.

  • Growth Mindset = Positive Mindset = Mental Fitness

    The 8-week PQ Group Coaching Program (includes the Mental Fitness/PQ app) partners with you to uncover your blind spots and inner critics, weaken your barriers to higher levels of performance, accelerating your mental fitness (EQ, PQ, Growth Mindset). Facilitated and coached by Karen du Four des Champs, PCC, CPCC, OSRC, COF, PQ Coach, with Shirzad Chamine, MBA (on video) Stanford lecturer, NYT best-selling author of Positive Intelligence, and founder of the PQ Program.

Our Coaching Packages

  • Executive Coaching

    1:1 in person or virtual

    Executive Coaching (becoming a Leader 2.0)

    I recommend beginning the process with one or two of the several assessments I offer.

  • Group Coaching

    GROUP COACHING is partnering with a group of individuals who share a common interest, learning experience, or desired skill where the coach and other group members offer support and inspiration to maximize individual abilities and potential. For example, a group of people may come together to be coached on effective leadership skills, but everyone has their own final performance goals for which they are being held accountable. Sizes range from 6-8; 12 is ideal. Groups meet frequently. I recommend beginning the process with one or two of the several assessments I offer.

  • Team Coaching for Intact Teams

    TEAM COACHING is partnering in a co-creative and reflective process with a team and its dynamics and relationships in a way that inspires them to maximize their abilities and potential in order to reach their common purpose and shared goals. Team coaching coaches the team. It is not addressing leader behaviour. Each team member assesses their own key leadership competencies by taking the online Systems Inspired Leadership assessment to gain deeper insight individually, which collectively assesses the team’s strength, with identifying areas to focus and grow.

Coaching Packages

In addition to helping you move from point A (where you are now) to point B (where you want to be) via:

I assist you in your transformation of becoming the type of leader and individual you aspire to be, aligned with your core values.


  • 360 Feedback

    A choice of feedback assessment options: from the ‘Stop, Start, Continue’ informal feedback loop, to the closed-loop interview-based QUANTUM 360® Product, a more extensive, qualitative set of interviews with leaders’ direct reports, bosses, and key internal and external stakeholders.

  • Saboteur Assessment

    Saboteur Assessment - Based on the Positive Intelligence Framework by Shirzad Chamine, MBA, and the New York Times bestseller. “Positive Intelligence.” Research included 500,000 participants, world class athletes, and leaders from every Fortune 100 company.

  • Cultural Orientation Framework (COF)

    Cultural Orientation Framework (COF) - Based on the research documented in “Coaching Across Cultures: New Tools for Leveraging National, Corporate, Professional Differences” and “Global Coaching: An Integrated Approach for long-lasting results” by Philippe Rosinski, MCC

“Karen pushed me outside of my comfort zone and made me consider perspectives, challenges or situations in ways I might not have come to naturally.”

— Alexandre Clar, Head of Group Treasury, The Zubair Corporation