Scientifically Proven Growth Program for Individuals, Leaders, and Teams. Corporate clients include: Turo, Google, Inc, HP, Microsoft, Salesforce, Uber, Expedia, Cisco, Siemens, DHL.

What if you could get these results in 8 weeks?

Would you do it? Are you curious? Let’s chat to find out. Click here!

Because FITNESS for the brain is just as important as physical fitness for your overall well-being, mental health, stress reduction and increased performance.

And like any sustainable physical fitness regime, this is a mental fitness regime for life.

You start with the Foundational 7-week PQ® Mental fitness program filled with evidence-based content in an app-guided program, with an accountability coach (me) and support pod, that actually changes the neural pathways in your brain as seen under Functional MRI studies. The PQ® Program then continues with topics to apply to your every day life in work, relationships, and well-being.

When I weave in this app-guided program into my coaching package, it becomes an “accelerator”—because when you discover what has been getting in your way and apply the PQ tools and habits stacking techniques on a daily basis, you more quickly achieve what brought you to coaching in the first place.  Just like physical fitness; mental fitness is a long game.

***As a CERTIFIED PQ COACH™ of POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE® I can offer a special price when you purchase the latest v2.0 7-week PQ® Mental Fitness Accelerator Program (with the app embedded inside) directly from me . Ask me for my pricing options. Together, let’s improve your mental fitness —not just for 7 weeks. But a lifetime.


“98% of our program participants experience an ROI.” - PQ®

In less than 2 months working with Karen and using the daily PQ® Mental Fitness app, I have already gained more confidence in myself, experience less daily stress with greater “ease & flow,” making better investment decisions, resulting in a $20k profit! I can’t wait to discover what I’ll create in Month 3!

— confidential Seattle-based client (June 2023)

I’ve achieved increased patience, increased discipline, and increased laser-focus on whatever I’m working on. I plan better. I employ better time-management strategies; overall have more confidence and feel stronger. My team comments that they see me deliver on time, on target, and they say I am better at listening to them, with less talking ‘at them’. I used the PQ® app daily the entire year of my subscription.

— H.L. Finance & Security Leader in the banking industry, Saudi (October 2022)

I reached out to Karen who introduced me to the PQ® program for mental fitness, to shift my mindset from negative to positive, to enhance my happiness and performance, and remove the obstacles in my own path, and prisoner of my own thoughts.

— Finance Leader, Oman, Shell Oman (May 2023)

I've been on a coaching journey with Karen for over a year which was transformational... I was challenged, pushed, cheered on, and held accountable to deliver. The PQ® program was the cherry on the top after a 1-year coaching commitment that pushed me even further to look inward, raise not only my self-awareness, but also my self-compassion... like all meaningful experiences in life, this program was both challenging and rewarding.

— HR Leader, Saudi Aramco (September 2020)

Every coaching session with Karen created a sustainable and powerful inner shift in clarity, confidence, and readiness to take action... the PQ® app kept me charged, engaged in between sessions... and I knew Karen was tracking me, rooting for me, and holding space for my growth.

— VP, Silicon Valley start-up (August 2021)

“Having found this PQ® Mental Fitness program post-retirement, I often reflect on what a game-changer it would have been for our organization if we had all gone through this specific program together. Sure, we achieved amazing mission outcomes, but often at the expense of sleepless nights, heated conflicts, stress, burnout, long hours, missed time with family, guilt, self-doubt, and all-around unhappiness. An initial reaction to change is a normal human response, but there is no need to suffer longer than a few seconds. So, to all my former colleagues, don’t waste another minute suffering from the sabotaging effects of your survival brain — sign up now!”

— Jennifer A.

So ask yourself: what is at the core of what’s stopping you?

  • fear?

  • imposter syndrome?

  • lack of confidence?

  • lack of leadership skills?

  • past trauma?

  • voices in your head that says “you can’t”?

What I have discovered over the decades of coaching is that it’s these fears and and thoughts and voices in our heads that stop us. Stop us from what we truly want. And deserve.

Take a moment to consider, “what’s stopping you?” Chances are it is some level of uncertainty or self-doubt that is not serving you.

And why I approach coaching from a mindset framework, addressing: “getting to the cor* of what stops you...” from taking clear, calm, laser-focused action… from being that great leader—not just good leader—you are capable of being. Of being that individual who doesn’t let her fears stop her from getting what she wants.

As a Certified PQ® Mental Fitness Coach, I lay the foundation for accelerating the development of leaders, and individuals and strengthening teams creating long-term, sustainable results in individuals and organisations by improving:

your capacity to respond to life and work challenges with a positive rather than a negative mindset.

“Between the stimulus and response, there is a space.

And in that space lies our freedom and power to choose our responses.

In our response lies our growth and our freedom” (Viktor Frankl, Austrian neurologist and psychologist, 1946)

Resulting in mastering your physiology in the ways you respond that increases: focus, confidence, resiliency and decision-making—4 top critical leadership competencies, resulting in a growth mindset.

If you’re ready to rewire your brain, read on:

Because 8-week PQ® Mental Fitness Accelerator Program will do just that (and more!)

This Positive Intelligence app-based program, based on NYT's best-selling book by Shirzad Chamine, has been re-invented into v2.0 of the PQ Program--a "coach-in-a-box" mental fitness program for life!

It not only incorporates the latest theories and applications in the ground-breaking work of Shirzad Chamine of Positive Intelligence based on recent neuroscience research, but weaves in brain activation exercises and habit-stacking techniques from the evidence-based research of BJ Fogg of Tiny Habits and James Clear of Atomic Habits and utilizes the findings on how the brain works from the most watched TEDTalk: Jill Bolte Taylor “My stroke of insight”

I call this the PQ Program the accelerator for my coaching clients!

Clients get better results faster with long-lasting results! You are actually re-wiring your brain (as seen under an MRI) with these brain activation exercises.

It’s a “bootcamp in an app” which integrates whole brain experiential learning, building and sustaining new habit formations. A foundational mental fitness program that accelerates your ability to stop the negative self-talk in its tracks and give you the all the tools you need on a daily basis (simple and easy-to-do) “brain activation” techniques throughout your day that actually shifts the neural pathways in your brain with evidence-based results. Creating more laser focus action in areas of your life where you previously procrastinated. Or usually feel stress. Or burned out. Resulting in improved decision-making and an expanded capacity to generate more creative solutions to whatever problem you’re tackling— and doing it feeling more calm. (And another bonus: better sleep!)

Click here for an overview of this app-based mental fitness, habit-stacking mindset-shift program.

Actual grey matter shifts under MRI scans with regular practice. Scientific evidence using the latest technology in neuroscience.

See White Paper The Neuroscience of Positive Intelligence

And the best part?

You can do these brain activation exercises “on the go” at home… in the shower…brushing your teeth… doing the dishes… driving your car… on an airplane… walking the dog… at your office… in bed… as you awake in morning and put your feet on the floor… wherever you are in the world—with friends, family and co-workers—these brain activation exercises are accessible, easy, and short in duration.. Repeating these simple, 10-second activities throughout your day shifts your thinking patterns.

The entire program:

  • weekly bite-size and interactive videos filled with content built right inside the app, along with additional resources you can access 24/7 with an active membership

  • audio book version of New York Times bestselling book Positive Intelligence, written by Shirzad Chamine, MBA, Stanford researcher, executive coach, and former CEO of CTI (Coach Training Institute)

  • demonstrations of brain-activation techniques, with notifications to help you do them daily

  • habit-stacking routines for sustainable muscle-building

  • reflections for insight-building (ability to edit and review month after month; year after year)

  • dashboard tracking your progress

May I give you a demo? Chat to see what you discover when your saboteurs are revealed?

First, schedule a complimentary debrief your saboteur session here:

Then, calculate your “PQ Score” = Positive Intelligence Quotient to reveal your mental fitness level. What’s the current strength of your positive mental muscles versus the negative? A PQ Score of 75 is the tipping point.

Next, take the Saboteur Assessment to discover what gets in your way. Which saboteurs cause you the greatest stress? Saboteurs are the voices in your head that generate negative emotions as you handle life’s everyday challenges. They represent the automatic patterns in your mind for how to think, feel, and respond. Your Saboteurs cause all of your stress, anxiety, self-doubt, frustration, restlessness, and unhappiness. They sabotage your performance, wellbeing, and relationships.

Becoming aware of your thought processes and limited beliefs is the first step to examining, gaining awareness, and changing behaviours that no longer serve you. - Shirzad Chamine, CEO and Founder of POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE®

By taking this assessment, you join over 2,000,000 people from more than 120 countries who have completed this assessment as the first step in making dramatic improvements in their performance, well-being, and relationships.

**When you get to Q48, click “yes” to receive your results. I offer a 55-minute complimentary, no obligation breakthrough session to debrief your results.

I first discovered this program in May 2020 while was working overseas in Oman—during lockdown. Yes, almost 5 years ago! I still use it everyday. The progress my brain has made — new mental muscles —- over these almost 5 years is captured on a dashboard inside the app.

Since then, I’ve been facilitating small pods (“support & accountability groups”) and weaving it into a 6-month Mental Fitness Journey that combines coaching, mental fitness content, and support to turbo-charge your brain, build your EQ leadership muscles, operationalize your growth mindset, and sustain those new neural pathways that are well-documented in the neuroscience research to achieve new and lasting results in your personal and professional life. To go beyond insight, and actually build new mental muscles. Creating neuroplasticity inside your brain. To achieve lasting change: less stress, improved performance (in both work and life), and improved self-confidence. As well as sustain the results in the above-mentioned percentages and testimonials at the top of this page.

(ranked 567th fastest growing Company in 2023 by Inc)

***As a CERTIFIED PQ COACH™ of POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE® I can offer a special price when you purchase the 8-week PQ® Mental Fitness Accelerator Program (with the app embedded inside) directly from me. Let’s rewire your brain together with my next 8-week program!

Breakthrough results!

Recent advances in functional MRI (fMRI), which measures how neural activity changes blood flow, have allowed scientists and psychologists to witness the real-time working of the brain for the very first time.

We are now able to pinpoint the regions of the brain involved in producing different thoughts or feelings and identify the neural functions involved with the activation of your inner critics and self doubt (Saboteurs) and positive, empowering emotions (your Sage).

Within 6-8 weeks of mental fitness training you can see the results in MRI imaging*:  

  • Increased grey matter in this Thrive Region of your brain

    The Thrive Region:
    Your Inner Sage

    Your Sage lives in an entirely different region of your brain, the middle prefrontal cortex, “empathy circuitry,” and parts of the right brain. It generates positive emotions while handling life’s challenges. These include empathy, compassion, gratitude, curiosity, joy of creativity, and calm, clear-headed laser-focused action. This region is wired for creativity and big-picture awareness of what is important and the best course of action.

    Activating this region results in release of endorphins that counter the negative impacts of stress-induced cortisol.

  • Decreased grey matter in the Survivor Brain region (amygdala), where your Saboteurs live  

    The Survive Region:
    Your Inner Saboteurs

    Saboteurs are the voices in your head that generate negative emotions when you handle life’s challenges. They exist in the brainstem, limbic system, and parts of the left brain. They produce much of your stress, anxiety, self-doubt, anger, shame, guilt, frustration, and mind chatter. These negative emotions are only helpful for a second as they alert you to dangers or issues. However, staying in these emotions hurts your ability to see clearly and choose the most impactful response.

*Endnotes 28, pg. 228

This BBC article and video documents one woman’s search for making simple, everyday changes to her life that altered her brain — strengthening crucial connections (neuroplasticity) that kept her mind healthier in the process, leading to those above tangible results.

This PQ® Mental Fitness Accelerator Program is a synthesis of the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience, cognitive and positive psychology, and performance science. The Saboteur assessment has been:

Validated by 2,000,000+ Participants

  • from 120 countries

  • leaders from every Fortune 100 company

  • CEOs

  • sales, operations, technology teams from Google to global unicorn start-ups

  • Stanford students

  • world-class elite athletes

This research* was summarized in Shirzad Chamine's book Positive Intelligence, a New York Times bestseller, translated into 20 languages.

(The audible and PDF format of this book is included in my 8-week PQ® Accelerator Program when purchased directly from me.)

Medical disclaimer. © 2024 Positive Intelligence. All Rights Reserved. No reproduction, alteration, translation, publication or distribution, in any form, printed or electronic, is permitted without the express prior written consent of Positive Intelligence, LLC. POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE®, PQ®, PQ COACH™, CERTIFIED PQ COACH™, and P+ logo™ are trademarks of Positive Intelligence, LLC. DISCLAIMERS: The coach identified herein is an independent member of the PQ Coach program, and not an employee, agent or representative of Positive Intelligence, LLC. The coaching program offered herein is independently owned and operated by the coach, and is not affiliated with or endorsed or sponsored by Positive Intelligence, LLC. The PQ® app-guided program is simply the installation of the mental fitness operating system. PROGRAM CONTENT AND MATERIAL DO NOT CONSTITUTE MEDICAL OR MENTAL HEALTH ADVICE AND ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR PROFESSIONAL CARE, DIAGNOSIS OR TREATMENT OF ANY MEDICAL OR MENTAL HEALTH CONDITION.

The research reveals that you can cause a dramatic shift in brain activation that weakens Saboteurs’ negative thoughts of self-doubt while boosting Sage responses of positivity by changing the “neural pathways” using brain activation techniques (we call them “PQ reps”). This is how a repeated action becomes an automatic habit.

The Neuroscience of Sage and Saboteur Thinking and the Right/Left Brain Dynamics.

· The survival region of the brain where our inner Saboteurs live exists in the brainstem, limbic system, and parts of our left brain, and your Sage/inner wisdom exists primarily in parts of your RIGHT brain.

· The Right / Left brain binary oversimplification started when neuropathways were severed between hemispheres and scientists noticed significant changes in rational vs. emotions.

· Shirzad teaches that this oversimplification helps people visualize their Sage thinking vs. Saboteur thinking.

· This Simply Psychology article provides more information.

· This most--viewed TED Talk with Jill Bolte-Taylor provides a more detailed explanation.   

Graduated from the 6-month PQ Mastery (PQM) Program 29 March 2023.

“I had been in a coaching journey with Karen for over a year which was transformational in and of itself. I was challenged, pushed, cheered on, and held accountable to deliver. This PQ® Mental Fitness Program was the cherry on top after a one-year coaching commitment that pushed me even further to look inwards, raise not only my self awareness but also my self compassion. Like all meaningful experiences in life, this program was both challenging & rewarding. The (coaching) app is built in a way to “disrupt” your daily routine with quick & simple challenges that have big impact on your relationship with yourself, loved ones & the world. The pod was particularly helpful to connect with others, learn how they are struggling & thriving, and better understand the mental fitness content. 

Coaching with Karen has been one of the best investments I’ve made. If you are unsure or waiting for a sign, JUST DO IT!”

  — I.L, Saudi female leader