Getting to the cor* of what stops you.
…from what you want to achieve.
…from who you want to be.
…from where you want to go.
What is at the core of what’s stopping you?
Imposter syndrome?
lack of confidence?
lack of leadership skills?
past trauma?
voices in your head that says “you can’t”?
PQ®️ Mental Fitness Coach
Karen du Four des Champs, PCC, CPQC, CPCC, COF, ORSC
ICF Registered Mentor Coach, PCC, CPCC
Certified PQ®️ Mental Fitness Coach, CPQC
Leadership & Teams Coach, ORSC
Intercultural Global Coach, CoF

"During my career, I came across different coaching styles from various certified coaches; but honestly, I found Karen as a coach is different. She created a significant change in me and my team leadership. For me, the secret with Karen is in her heart and mind. She was amazing in building the bonding and trust with me which translated into change and commitment.”
— Humaid Al Sawafi, Head of Business Development, OQ